December 21, 2020

All the latest news from TWAC 2020

Photo credit: Atlantic Campaigns

18th December 2020

The race is well and truly on! This year’s Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge has gotten off to a flying start, not even a week in and the front runners have already covered 500 miles!

The competition between the four-man crews is tight with HPF Atlantic Rowing Team leading their class with Latitude 35, On Shoulders Of Giants and Team Oardacity  not far behind.

Sixth in the fleet and leading the ladies race are the Atlantic Dutchesses – come on girls!

Team Antigua - Atlantic Rowers are eighth in the fleet and keeping up with the four-man teams, incredible effort from the first in pairs in the race class.

Leading the solos is Atlantic Dragon, again managing to keep up with some of the four-man teams.

We are blown away by the competitive element of the teams this year – we are glued to the YB Races app and are constantly dot watching.

We cannot wait to see how the race progresses and wish all of the team’s good luck (and more importantly good weather!)

Image may contain: text that says "Atlantic Dragon R) Team Antigua Pairs HPF Atlantic Oardacity (R) Dutchess the Sea Latitude 35 (R) Atla Generation Gap R) Atiantic Dutchessess R) The Bristol Gulls R) For Fitter Planet OnShurfGiants(R) On Shoulders"

11th December 2020

Just ONE DAY to go!

This time tomorrow all 21 teams will be setting off from the start line of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in La Gomera and embarking on their individual and extraordinary journeys.

This is one of our favourite times of year but with all the challenges 2020 has presented, this year is a little bit special. All of the teams are better prepared than ever and the weather is looking ideal for a good race start. We wish each and every rower taking part the best of luck and look forward to seeing you in the Antiguan sunshine on the other side.

To follow the progress of all the teams as they make their way across the Atlantic, check out the 2020 YB Races tracker and follow the dots! If you would like more information or to check out our full, step-by-step guide, please click HERE.

27th November 2020

Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2020 update live from the Race Village!

Check these photos sent to us by Charlie Pitcher who is over in La Gomera, making sure all of the boats arrive safely.

Can you spot yours?