Charlie Pitcher

Charlie’s background lies within professional sailing having competed as a youngster in the America’s Cup and winning the Admiral’s Cup twice thereafter.

Charlie’s sea going focus has shifted towards specialising in Ocean rowing. In 2009, he single-handedly beat all other solo and pairs boats to win the Woodvale Challenge Atlantic Rowing Race.

This feat was surpassed in 2013 when he broke the world record for the fastest un-assisted solo row across the Atlantic by almost 6 days. Both crossings were completed in Rannoch designs.

In his spare time Charlie is an avid ultra-runner and sailing coach to a number of local sailing clubs.

Charlie built his first dinghy when he was 12 years old, became a master carpenter and joiner and has been building boats continually throughout his life. Today, not only does he take on serious rowing campaigns, but is also involved in every single new build and refurbishment project.


Gary Scroggs

Phil is an internationally acclaimed naval architect. With 50 years’ experience, he is regarded as one of the best in the business.

His past projects cover a variety of disciplines from the America’s Cup to world class dinghy designs. Now almost all existing ocean rowing boat designs in the world today are from his drawing board.

Since 2007, Phil has worked closely with Rannoch Adventure and ensures all new designs are the safest and fastest on the water.

If Phil is not drawing radical designs in his office, you'll find him at 5,000 feet in the air in his glider.


Mike Wood

Mike has overseen, built, fitted out and refurbished over 50 ocean rowing boats.

Prior to being involved in ocean rowing, Mike has been responsible for building and finishing off a number of medal winning boats for the Beijing, Athens, Barcelona and Atlanta Olympics. These included Shirley Robertson and her team's Gold medal, as well as having all three podium positions at the Beijing Olympics.  

Mike is the man who ensures that our boats are 100% safe before leaving the workshop, as well as introducing new and innovative ideas to all of our boats.

Mike manages to combine two of the most time consuming hobbies. If he is not playing with boats, he'll be busy looking after his horses.


Angus Collins

Having rowed more than 10,000 miles across 3 oceans and around Great Britain, Angus has gained a number of world records and a host of knowledge within the industry.

He first conquered the Indian Ocean in 2014 with the Fast Row West team, where they broke the world record for the fastest four man crossing of the Indian Ocean, and the youngest team. In 2015 Angus took on the Atlantic Ocean in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge where he beat the race record with team Ocean Reunion. Then in 2016 he returned and broke his own record by 3 days.

When not rowing oceans, he loves any kind of adventure. Angus has trekked the Black Cat Trail in Papua New Guinea, traversed India on a rickshaw, took part in the Endurancelife Ultra Running Series and the Run to the North, a non stop 350km run through the wilderness in North Scotland.


Lizzie Brown

Lizzie Brown keeps things running smoothly behind the scenes at Rannoch HQ. No stranger to the water, Lizzie has been sailing all her life.

As well as having many hours of offshore and dinghy racing under her belt, Lizzie was an RNLI helmsman for over 15 years.

She is also the mother of a record-holding Atlantic rower!

Although not a rower herself, Lizzie remains very active in the sailing world, often seen racing her Laser Radial at events around the UK. Lizzie has years of coaching experience, sharing her passion of the water with many of the youngsters in the town with the aim of creating “sailors for life”. She runs"safety" at club and national level for dinghy sailing, and is always happy to share her experiences on this.


Laura Try

Laura joined us to row around Great Britain in 2017. Since then then her love for adventure and social media skills has welcomed her to the Rannoch Adventure team.

She is now training to row across the Atlantic in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge with her team Row For The Ocean.

Her passion for adventure started in her thirties with running and adventure races. Since then she loves getting involved with anything that involves the outdoors and activities that push her outside her comfort zone.

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