April 13, 2022

Congratulations, Tori Evans, on your world record

Tori has just become the fastest unassisted Women’s solo Atlantic Row East to West from The Canaries to Barbados in just over 40 days thereby smashing the previous record of 49 days in 2018. An ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT that will stand for some time to come. Our heart felt and warmest praises from all at Rannoch Adventure.

Tori’s challenge started way back in 2019 when she approached Charlie and the two took in a sail across The Bay of Biscay from Spain to England to discuss her campaign and how to get the wheels rolling. Her total commitment, focus and hard work over the years has given her the “crown” she dreamed of, to be the fastest solo rower across the Atlantic.

Tori chose Rannoch Adventure to partner with for all her equipment, training and coaching to get to the start line with the best possible preparation. The boat she used was a prototype Rannoch R10. Totally reliable, safe and the fastest solo rowing boat available. Unable to commit to weather routing her, Charlie passed her onto the best in the business, British Olympic sailing Meteorologist guru, Simon Rowell who served her for the crossing itself.

An ex Redbull sports lawyer, Tori chose the best in the business to support her massive challenge and stuck with them, through thick and thin to become a World Record Holder.

“This woman had total belief in herself and us right from the start and never gave up, even when the training proved nearly impossible during these difficult times. Hats off to her, she’s a star”

Charlie Pitcher

Photo credit for banner photo: Jane Stockdale