February 28, 2023

Jari Saario - conquering the sea on board his R10

HUGE respect for Finnish firefighter Jari, currently eating up the miles as he rows solo in our standard Rannoch R10 from Gran Canaria to Miami, a journey of 8,000km. He is flying! In just 28 days, he has covered over a whopping 2,500km already with a top speed of 7.7 knots and a quick surf of 27 knots - WOW!

On arrival to the US continent, Jari will then turn around and ROW BACK ACROSS THE ATLANTIC from New York to London - another huge row of 6,000km.

The boat, named Sirius, is looking after Jari well. Jari's coach, Lasse Wulff Hansen is hugely impressed with his efforts so far:

Jari is an absolutely incredible person! He is currently proving that a combination of skill and determination is vital in an ocean crossing. This double crossing will most definitely go down in history.  

This gutsy, determined adventurer still has a long way to go but he has proved his resolve so far and we're with him every step of the way.

Follow him @jari_saario

Jari with Charlie taking ownership of his R10 ocean rowing boat in 2022
Jari with coach Lasse Wulff Hansen
Training in Gran Canaria prior to departure