August 3, 2023

Matt & Giles ace their North Atlantic crossing

Matthew Ponsonby and Giles Johnson set off in Rannoch's R25 "Hurricane" from St Johns Newfoundland, Canada on 22nd June at 11.50am local time and finished in Dingle, Ireland on 28th July at 11.20pm local time. Their voyage across the North Atlantic took 36 days, 8 hours.

Family and friends were there to greet them ashore and rush them into the nearest Dingle bar for last orders and a curry, still in their oilskins. No showers, soft drinks or fruit required! The atmosphere was electric, with many of the locals joining the party. Both Matthew and Giles have Irish blood in them, so ending their row in this beautiful County Kerry hotspot was the perfect finish to what has been the ultimate blueprint training and preparation programme, which started in late 2021.

The Rannoch Team is so proud of these two gentlemen and we're honoured to have played a major role in making their dream row happen. From concept to completion, Rannoch provided a full package that included boat charter, equipment, training, logistics, full shore support, weather routing and offshore support. Combined with immaculate preparation, attitude and spirit of the rowers, this challenge could not have been more successful.

The North Atlantic is not your usual ocean crossing and is not to be taken lightly. The weather is constantly changing with freezing conditions, icebergs and fog as well as several gales with northerly winds averaging 30kts at times. Although the route is 2,000 miles, a little shorter than many other routes, it most certainly has the harshest conditions of all. Matt and Giles mastered the voyage like true pros.

It is really important to mention another main contributor to their preparation before setting off. Gus Barton (@ocean_ready_) worked with the gents from very early on and they couldn’t stop saying how grateful they were to have done all their conditioning with him. He is another top pro in the business of ocean rowing whose focus on physical training for rowers is second to none.

Rannoch congratulates both Matt and Giles for raising significant funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Marine Conservation Society, Headway and DDX3X and wishes them well with their future challenges.

In the meantime, we are already working with two more teams who are going to tackle the North Atlantic next summer. Watch this space.

Mid North Atlantic
Coming in to Dingle, Ireland
The morning after arrival