May 10, 2022

Mini rowing adventure across the Bristol Channel

Ocean rowing isn't always about rowing an ocean!

This week, we had the pleasure of supporting a team of four novice charity rowers undertaking a one day row from England to Wales across the Bristol Channel.

James, Rebecca, Anthony and Alice had never rowed on open water before, so came to Burnham earlier this year for two days of training on an R45 with Rannoch skipper, Lizzie. After a few more weeks training on ergs, they left Ilfracombe harbour at 7.30am on Wednesday, rowed the 22 nautical miles in light westerly winds, and arrived at Mumbles, near Swansea, 10 hours later.  

Once safely on dry land, charity founder, James (who lost the majority of his sight in 2012) said:

We did it! The row itself provided the full range of emotions we’d been warned to expect - apprehension, excitement, exhilaration, fatigue, reflection, boredom, elation and many more. While we were all shattered by the end, we’d all learnt a lot about ourselves, the value of preparation and most importantly teamwork. Thank you everyone for their support and their donations.

The row enabled the team to raise £77,000 for I Can & I Am, a charity with a very special double decker bus that visits schools around the South West working with pupils and staff to improve self-esteem and inflate balloons of self-belief.

Special thanks go to the lovely ladies of Mumbles Amateur Rowing Club who gave the team a very warm welcome on arrival.

Departure from Ilfracombe
Lizzie's final briefing before stepping on board
The girls on the oars
The boys on the oars
Rowing 3 up
Arrival at Mumbles