April 21, 2023

"Take Aways" and Olympic gold medals

We've had some fantastic feedback from RANNOCH’s Open Day, the “Take Away” Day where everyone leaves with more knowledge than they arrived with!

A huge thank you to everyone who came from all over the UK and Europe to attend our event. We loved meeting you, showing you our boats and giving you all an opportunity to chat to some of our trusted partners and suppliers. We hope you enjoyed networking with other ocean rowers and left Rannoch HQ inspired and informed.

A big thank you to our double Olympic Champion special guest, Alex Gregory MBE, who wowed us with tales of the ups and downs of his rowing career and even pulled his two gold medals (very casually) out of his back pocket.

And to Range Global, Resilient Nutrition, Aurora Sea School, Mactra Marine, Seago, Doc Spartan and European Freeze Dry for very kindly supporting our big event.

Charlie welcoming everyone
Guest speaker Alex Gregory MBE
Alex wowing the audience with his stories
One of Alex's 2 Olympic gold medals he brought with him
Meeting other teams
Boats, boats, boats
Seeing inside Roxy
Getting snug in the Seago liferaft with Summit food samples
Our new Service Centre
Jim from Mactra Marine
Ali from Resilient Nutrition
Charlie Pryer from Range Global
Future Roxy rowers
BBQ boys
A big thank you from the Rannoch Team for coming to visit us