February 10, 2021

Rannoch teams successful on the ocean waves again

Despite the difficult year for many teams with Covid restrictions, this year's Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge has proved a huge success yet again.

With 21 boats scheduled to finish (no retirements), we are proud that 90% of the fleet chose to #RowWithRannoch in standard production rowing boats.

We regard this year’s race as being particularly difficult, one of the most difficult in recent years, as the weather has played games with the rowers.

Our special congratulations go out to:

Row4Cancer - first in the Open division for a custom boat (and winners of The Skye Trophy for first boat home)

On Shoulders of Giants (R45) - winners of the Race class fours for putting in a great performance in one of the most competitive races so far and winners of The MacAskill Trophy

Atlantic Dutchesses (R45) - winners of the women’s Race class for an amazing strategic job on their opponents and winners of The Murden Trophy

Team Antigua Pairs (R25) - a winning performance from the young Antiguan rowers

Wave Warrior (R25) - winner of the solo race, despite being attacked and holed by a Marlin

Alzheimer’s Research (R25) - special mention to the oldest solo rower in the race - well done on doing a grand job

"Congratulations to all the teams who have finished this very special race where common sense and responsibility for all involved has played a big part in making it such an enjoyable event in these difficult times around the world. And to all our 2020 Rannoch customers, it has been a great joy to work with you and to see you all overcome so many challenges with getting to the start line of a very unique race - dealing with Covid restrictions and a few Marlin strikes! It has been a pleasure to serve you both on and off the water.” Charlie Pitcher  

Photo credits: Atlantic Campaigns


On Shoulders of Giants
Atlantic Dutchesses
Team Antigua Pairs
Wave Warrior
Alzheimer's Research