October 7, 2020

Sneak preview of Roxy ...

Last week a lucky group of rowers had a sneak preview of our new 12 man boat, Roxy!

9 of the Atlantic Ocean 2021 crew were in Burnham on Tuesday for their second training sessions ahead of their expedition in March 2021. The crew were the first of all our customers to get a glimpse of Roxy in the workshop before we launch her onto the water in mid-October.

The two day training session run by Charlie and Dawn (skipper and co-skipper) started with a full day getting to grips with our regular R45. This was the first time some of them had set foot on a Rannoch ocean rowing boat and the smiles on their faces at the end of the day said it all.

Seals and sunshine both appeared and made for a great day out on the water. We rounded the day off with a visit to meet Roxy in the workshop (where everyone was bowled over by her beauty) and dinner at The White Harte in Burnham.

Nicola (Roxy project manager) masterminded a quiz designed to find out everyone’s preferences for a myriad of different topics all related to the row which has provided the team with a load of important data ahead of their expedition in 2021.

Wednesday started off with an all-boys rowing session up river for 8 miles (where maximum speed reached was 7.3 knots) then the girls tackled the return trip against wind and tide.

After the row, the crew sampled expedition foods up at Rannoch and Charlie shared his top tips on clothing, personal hygiene on board and more. The day was rounded off with a more serious session on board Roxy with measuring tapes and china graphs! They all became more familiar with the boat that will be their home for 6 weeks next year.

On her return home, Louise said “I feel like a kid who’s just got home from the best holiday camp ever!”

We look forward to sharing more pictures and videos of Roxy over the coming weeks.