October 11, 2021

The final countdown to TWAC 2021

With the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge start date just two months away, the Rannoch team is beavering away behind the scenes to ensure all the R10s, R25s and R45s are in tip top shape and ready to ship out to the start line over the next few weeks.

Of the 37 entries in this year’s race, 34 of them are Rannoch boats. Many of those boats are currently being serviced and having last minute work done on them to ensure they arrive in La Gomera with everything in full working order. Mike, Gary and Tom have been installing, adjusting, repairing, checking all manner of fixtures, fittings and electronics on the boats. Lizzie and Rachel have been ensuring all the orders for last minute loose equipment are delivered and the shipping containers are booked in preparation for loading all the boats by the end of October.

In November, Charlie and his logistics team will head out to the Canaries to unload the boats and deliver them all to San Sebastian de la Gomera ready for the arrival of their crews at the end of the month. Over the past 10 years, we’ve managed over 500 boat shippings with a 100% success rate.

Once all that’s done, the Rannoch team will be on site at the marina in the run up to the race start to deal with any last minute requirements from the crews and ensure all boats are 100% ready for their Atlantic crossing.

Over the years, we’ve watched as the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge has grown into what it is today – the worlds’ biggest and most successful ocean rowing race. This business is all about making dreams come true and we can’t wait for the 2021 race to get underway and witness another momentous few weeks for our rowers as they embark on their adventure of a lifetime.