December 21, 2020

TWAC 2021 Training

Are you entered into the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2021 race? If so, SAVE THE DATE!

Rannoch Adventure is running a customised 4-day training program on the east coast from the 7th – 10th May 2021. 1:1 expert advice will be on hand throughout - this is your opportunity to learn from the most experienced ocean rowers in the business.

Earlier this year Rannoch Adventure, in conjunction with Atlantic Campaigns, ran a similar customised training camp for 2020 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge entrants. The testimonials from each participant are proof of how valuable the camp was for them this year.

“The support and advice offered by Rannoch Adventure during the Atlantic Campaigns training camp in September 2020 was extremely valuable to my campaign. Planning a solo row means it can be difficult to bounce ideas off other people, however, the format of the training camp meant that I could gauge my progress as well as draw on the experience of other teams and Charlie Pitcher who was able to give me plenty of advice and on water coaching! I would thoroughly recommend future TWAC teams to take part in training camps organised by Rannoch.” – Rob Hamilton, Team Atlantic Titan, TWAC 2020.

So if you’re serious about being well prepared for your challenge, please contact us to find out more and book your place

Photo credit: Atlantic Campaigns