September 21, 2023

Atlantic Ocean 2023-24

Welcome to Antigua!

After 44 days, 4 hours and 17 minutes, the Roxy Atlantic 2023-24 crew arrived in Falmouth Harbour, Antigua to an emotional welcome from families, friends and well wishers on the dockside.

They left from the Canaries on 3 December 2023 and successfully rowed the 2600 nautical miles across the Atlantic Ocean, arriving in Antigua Yacht Club Marina on 16 January 2024. Congratulations to the whole crew on a fantastic achievement.

Special thanks to our Rannoch skippers, John and Trine, for guiding all our stars - Clarissa, Eddie, Neil, Tinks, Emily, Keith, Pete, Alex, Chris and Jess - safely across the ocean.

Thanks too to Antigua Yacht Club Marina for their support and to the families and friends who gave them a wonderful welcome as they arrived in Falmouth Harbour.

Final words from Alex Overdijking, our Roxy blogger

It is hard to believe that this amazing journey has now come to an end. I think it will take us all some time to fully conceptualize the fact that we have rowed across an entire ocean. As expected, we had plenty of ups and downs, but the journey was hugely successful and we arrived safely in Antigua to an incredibly special welcome. This experience is one that will forever be held close to our hearts. One of the biggest emotions that I would like to express is gratitude.

Thank you to our entire team! Putting 12 strangers on a boat in the middle of an ocean with limited space for 6.5 weeks is certainly a bit of a social experiment. Although naturally there were challenges at times, our team dynamic was overwhelmingly positive and I cannot imagine having crossed the Atlantic with a better group of people.

Thank you to our family and friends for your love and support throughout this journey! The time commitment to take on this task is huge, not only the 6.5 weeks at sea and the 2 weeks training, but also the individual preparation that we all completed in the months before. We know this also affects those closest to us and we appreciate the support from you all!

Thank you to Nicola from Rannoch for putting together this amazing team! There is an interview process to join the row and Nicola ensures that each individual is the right fit for the experience. She also keeps the families informed during our journey, which provides them with great peace of mind while we are out at sea. Thank you Nicola!

Thank you to the Atlantic Ocean for being our home for 6.5 weeks and to Mother Nature for throwing plenty of different weather conditions at us, allowing for an experience that felt very fulfilling and complete!

Thank you to our coworkers for your support as well! We know for some the time away also leaves a gap that others need to fill, so we greatly appreciate those that step in while we are away to help make this possible.

The crew is now enjoying our first full day back on land. A final boat cleaning and farewell dinner tonight will conclude our time together. Go team!

Quote from our Co-Skipper, Trine:

Don’t do something legendary in life without your friends and family there to see it. Luckily for me, I have been surrounded by friends for the last six weeks.
With special thanks for Patrick Sikes for capturing Roxy's departure and arrival in full colour

Patrick Sikes @magic_sites


Day 42: Saturday, January 13th

The team is on a mission. We would prefer to arrive in Antigua during daylight and have calculated that we need to average 70 nautical miles for about 3.5 days in order to arrive before sunset on Tuesday. This is not unrealistic, but will require a final push from the whole team as well as the weather to be on our side for the remainder of the journey. Everyone is motivated to drive towards this goal, but there is also a bit of anxiousness because we don’t have much wiggle room. At the end of the day, all we can do is our best and that is exactly what we will be doing over the coming days.

Day 43: Sunday, January 14th

Some good progress has been made the last couple of days and we are currently on track with our goal to arrive Tuesday late afternoon / early evening. We know that we also need the weather to be on our side, but the team has been pushing hard the last couple of days. Today also marks exactly 6 weeks since we left Tenerife. We are now into the final few days of our row and it is certainly very surreal that this journey is reaching its conclusion. Most of the crew already have family and friends in Antigua anxiously waiting our arrival and we are sure they are also counting down the hours.

In the late afternoon shift, another cargo ship passed by, but this one was the closest that a ship of this size has been to us. After John spoke to them on the VHF, they adjusted course to come slightly closer to us and were 0.8 miles away. We all gave them a wave, as we knew they were looking out from the bridge. It was a mixed cargo ship that was carrying yachts, catamarans, and sailing boats and is also heading to Antigua then West Palm Beach. It was crazy to see such a huge ship in such close proximity to our tiny rowing boat.

Day 44: Monday, January 15th

A hugely positive day for the team! Mother nature has given us a final gift of wind and swells that are adding some extra speed on this final full day. Although the weather is on our side, the team has really had to push hard and find that extra gear in order to take full advantage of it. This morning’s shifts were hectic but fast and allowed us to catch up on a bit of mileage and really solidify our chances of a daylight arrival tomorrow. It is bitter sweet to know that each rowing shift is now one of our last. But we are all making the most of our final hours together.

Day 45: Tuesday, January 16th

As the early morning hours of Tuesday approached, the team could now see something special on the horizon - the glowing lights of Antigua. The time had finally come! It was arrival day! We were continuing to zoom towards Antigua with each shift completing 10-12 miles every 3 hours and our predicted arrival time continued to creep forward. Before we knew it, the sun was up and Antigua was getting bigger and bigger. As we approached and were now alongside the coast of the island, we were met with two boats to lead us to the finish line with a few familiar faces onboard. The welcome committee was out in full force. With all crew on deck, the team called out the final 10 strokes to cross the finish line buoy. We had done it! We exchanged high fives, fist pumps, and hugs to congratulate each other and celebrate our huge achievement. As we made our way through the harbour, the booming sounds of mega yacht horns and cheers from our family and friends made for a very special and emotional arrival. After pulling alongside the dock, each crew member took their first steps onto land one-by-one and reunited with their family and friends. John then gave his final thanks to Neptune for allowing us save passage across the Atlantic, using the same bottle of rum as used in our departure from Tenerife.

Cheers to an epic adventure!


Day 37: Monday, January 8th

At this stage in our row, most of us now look forward to the night shifts opposed to the day shifts. This certainly wasn’t the case at the beginning of our journey. As we have continued to approach the Caribbean, the temperatures have become hotter and hotter and there isn’t an escape from the heat, not even the cabin, which we joke is like our own personal sauna. On the contrary, the night shifts provide a cool breeze and a welcomed escape from the sun. We tend to feel more awake during the night shifts now compared to a few weeks ago. This is helped with some good conversations and even a wee sing song. One of the night shifts now has a tradition - Neil singing “Puff the Magic Dragon,” which immediately puts a smile on each of our five faces. We are grateful that he has shared this with us, as it is a song that he has always sang to his daughters, Sophie and Katie.

Day 38: Tuesday, January 9th

Today we crossed a huge milestone - 500 miles to go! The countdown was on and as soon as the mileage ticked to 500, the team let out loud cheers, exchanged some high fives, sang the “500 Miles” song, and blasted some music on the speaker from the Guardians of the Galaxy playlist. This milestone sort of feels like the beginning of the end of our journey. We have begun to reflect on our lessons learned, highs and lows, and our expectations vs reality. The crew is also looking ahead to time in Antigua and beyond. The anticipation and excitement to celebrate on land with each other, family, and friends is high, as well as to return to our normal lives with a renewed sense of appreciation for the lives we live. The next week or so will be filled with some strong rowing as we near our finish line, as well as plenty of smiles and laughter as we aim to make the most of our final days together on Roxy.

Day 39: Wednesday, January 10th

Guest Blogger: Tinks

The brightest and darkest of nights.

At the beginning of our journey the nights were something to fear. Dark, like no other dark, huge rolling black seas lifting us upward towards the inky dark sky then in a moment we’d be careering downward with a clattering of oars and invariably a drenching at some point.

Three hours later we would return to the safe haven of our tiny cabins and collapse with exhaustion into bed whilst the battle continued with our opposite shift.

Time has passed and now we’ve learned to work with the ocean, pulling on the oars up the waves to gently surf down them, watching the knots increasing on the speedo and whooping with joy when we get over 5 knots.

Evenings are a huge relief from the relentless daytime heat which at its peak sits at about 40°c so even the tanning sessions are limited as we ensure that we don’t succumb to heat exhaustion. The cool 25°c gives us the chance to recharge, chat more and learn about the night sky above.

The moon arrives late in the night, bathing us with its silver beam and giving us enough light to make out each other’s faces as we gaze upward at the Milky Way and the trillions of other stars.

Occasionally shooting stars fly across the sky giving us the opportunity to make a wish, some hope for a swift arrival and some for a Big Mac from McDonald’s!

The biggest gift of the dark night sky’s has been the utterly breathtaking meteors, burning white bright, taking our breath away and creating a chorus of “wow, did you see that?”

As the night draws to an end the thinnest line of gold starts to rise out of the sea and with it the dawn chorus of the crew welcoming the new day and adventures that lay ahead.

Day 40: Thursday, January 11th

As the number of days left out here get fewer and fewer, the Atlantic Ocean is testing us one final time. Today’s weather was a challenge, with big waves hitting us from the side, continuously offsetting the boat and keeping the rowers soaked. Heavy rain provided a fresh water clean before we were drenched again by incoming waves. This cycle continued throughout the day and night. Despite the challenging conditions that required extra caution during shift changes, we did gain some extra speed which everyone appreciated in our final charge towards Antigua. The morale onboard remains high, as we know that no matter what is thrown at us, there are only a few days left until we reach land.

Day 41: Friday, January 12th

Music is now a bit more limited on board due to the majority of music subscription apps only allowing downloads to stay on a device for 30 days without connection to the internet. What remains is any music that the crew has previously purchased on their devices. Lucky for the team, I have the Sound of Music soundtrack on my phone which has been played during multiple shifts over the loud speaker. Occasionally, John hijacks the speaker with his phone during these sing alongs to make comical captains announcements. The interruption is met with cheers from some rowers and boos from others. However, despite mixed reviews, the songs can be catchy and over the last few nights, two of the shifts have collectively put together our own rendition of the song “My Favorite Things,” which can be found below:

Our Favorite Things: Roxy Atlantic Version

🎵Stars in a clear sky,

Sunrises and sunsets,

Methodical rowing that keeps us all going,

Perfect conditions as the New Year rings,

These are a few of our favorite things

Rainbows and moonbows,

And dolphins that visit,

Warm pasta bolognaise that raises our spirits,

A 2 hour nap before the alarm dings,

These are a few of our favorite things

When the waves hit,

And the sores sting,

When we’re feeling sad,

We simply remember our favorite things,

And then we don’t feel so bad🎵

We also just crossed 300 miles to go, another milestone in our journey to the finish line. John had brought along a special outfit for the occasion, Welsh flag budgie smugglers, which he proudly wore in his first shift after crossing the 300 mile mark. Unfortunately for him, after 10 mins he had to return to using his shorts, as he discovered that his celebratory outfit was providing additional unwelcomed discomfort while rowing. Too bad, but we’re sure he will make good use of them in Antigua!


Day 34: Friday, January 5th

It feels like the conditions have been playing games with us the last few days. From shift to shift, the wind seems to pick up and then die back down again. When it starts to build, those coming off shift excitedly say to the others, “the wind is back,” only to be let down when returning to row three hours later. The weather forecast indicated stronger winds, but in reality, they have been a bit weaker the last few days. After our big 76 mile day on Tuesday, it has been a bit disappointing to have lower mileage over the course of the last few days. But at the end of the day, the finish line is in sight and the team is staying positive. And on the bright side, we aren’t facing headwinds like we were last week. We are continuing to push on towards Antigua and are driving towards our next milestone - the 500 miles to go mark.

Day 35: Saturday, January 6th

The day shifts on Saturday welcomed a couple of on-deck activities. Day 35 kicked off with a sing-along to the Mamma Mia 2 movie soundtrack. Turns out not everyone loves musicals so the primary participants were Clarissa and I who happily belted out some Abba classics from the bow rowing positions. The next shift enjoyed a game of “Babybel Baseball”, which was masterminded by Jess. One of our packets of Babybels had unfortunately spoiled, but although we didn’t have the privilege of eating them, we certainly made the most of it. I unwrapped and pitched the Babybells from the entrance of the stern cabin and each rower had multiple attempts at hitting a Babybel with their oar. The winner of Babybel Baseball was John, with Emily in the close second position and Pete in third place. A game enjoyed by all!

Day 36: Sunday, January 7th

We have officially now called the Atlantic home for 5 weeks! In a way, our time in Tenerife seems like a lifetime ago, but equally it is hard to conceptualize that we have been out here for 5 weeks - 3 hours on, 3 hours off nonstop. 140 rowing shifts and 420 hours of rowing each. Go team! The first shift of the day reminisced on our first few hours of rowing exactly 5 weeks ago, as we watched Tenerife move further and further into the distance. It is now the start of week 6, which we anticipate being our last full week at sea. Remaining snack bags have been allocated and our sights are set on the 500 mile mark, which we hope to reach within the next couple of days. Spirits are very high today, heightened by our solid progress made yesterday. Onwards we go!


Day 31: Tuesday, January 2nd

Today was a big step in the right direction. The weather is officially now in our favor and we are moving! The miles are ticking down a lot quicker now and are incentivizing each group with some friendly competition: can you accumulate more miles in your shift than the previous group? Nothing like a little bit of trash talking to kick everyone’s ass into gear. We achieved 76 miles, the first time crossing the 70 mile mark in 15 days. Our hope is that there will be no more lulls in the weather, but one thing is for sure, motivation is high on board and we are pushing hard during each shift. A cargo ship was also spotted on the horizon, the first boat-spotting in a week or so. To John’s disappointment, this captain was not as chatty as the French sailor from a couple weeks ago. Good thing John has us onboard to keep him company!

Day 32: Wednesday, January 3rd

Today’s entertainment included the appearance of more seaweed. We are telling ourselves that this indicates we are getting closer to land. Who knows if this is scientifically correct, but the logic works for us. A very exciting day for Jess indeed, who was anticipating someone catching her a piece of seaweed for her to inspect. We managed to grab a piece from the water as we passed by, which then initiated a contest for the next shift, who gave points to who could grab the biggest piece of seaweed. One happened to have a friendly little visitor - a tiny crab that was smaller than a penny. Out here though, the littlest things can often provide the most excitement.

Day 33: Thursday, January 4th

With the finish line getting closer and closer, Antigua has crept into the forefront of our minds. During the rowing shifts, it is becoming more common to discuss our arrival, time in Antigua, and what we are most looking forward to. For the majority, it is the simple things that we are looking forward to the most. Giving our loved ones a hug, fresh food and home cooked meals, a shower with fresh water, a bed with clean sheets, an eight hour sleep, a toilet, clean clothes, sitting on a soft surface. Being out here really makes you appreciate the little things in life. When rowing an ocean, you have to “let go” in a way and forget about how things work in normal life. You learn to accept the way that life currently is and not dwell on what it used to be. But it is a simple life out here and there is a unique beauty in that too. And although for most of us, we are counting down the days until arrival, there is also a huge sense of gratitude for being one of the very few people that have experienced this incredibly challenging, but hugely fulfilling journey. A journey that has, as of today, taken us 2000 miles so far. Teamwork makes the dream work!


Day 28: Saturday, December 30th

Guest Blogger: Skipper, John Haskell

Our journey kicked off with a great start, where we were the fastest Roxy boat with record mileage. The team has gelled so well; it was evident in Tenerife but since then we have united further into a family. This was none more evident than our Christmas Day celebrations. Despite each missing our family and friends, we all felt that it was great to spend Christmas together after working so hard for our combined goal of arriving into Antigua.

Throughout the journey, I’ve tried to include the crew in all decisions. Rowing further South has paid off, as the wind would have pushed us further off course had we not made these decisions. It has been great to see everyone looking out for each other along the way, especially through the bit of seasickness and ailments that are tough to deal with on the ocean. We have experienced some rough weather with some big scary swells throughout the row which has been a great test; everybody has dug in deep during these rough and wet days. Confidence amongst the crew is high and safety is of our utmost priority in rough seas.

We have also been blessed by various visits of wildlife and the gratitude for this does not go unnoticed. It is great to hear the cheers and excitement from the crew as another wildlife encounter ensues.

Moving into week 4, frustrations compiled. After such a good start where we were reaching almost 10 miles per shift, headwinds stopped us dead in our tracks. Instead of the swells being behind us, they were coming from the side. Waves kept everyone wet with salt water which starts to feel acidic after being exposed continuously over long time periods. With everybody having used all of their dry clothes, they had to get into the cabin wet and then start the next shift in wet clothes. This brought along with it the dreaded ocean rowers bottom. Salt sores, pressure sores, and skin infections have been expertly treated by our resident doc who was busy handing out ointments, antibiotics, and dressings.

Despite this, spirits have remained high throughout, as anybody having a lull is perked up by the rest of the crew. Having storms at sea is not the best for rowing, but we have been treated to magnificent shows of lightening on the horizon which have been so spectacular. It’s all worth it to have the privilege of experiencing this at sea. And after being constantly salty, getting drowned in fresh rain water is a treat; we will never look at rain clouds the same again. As the horrid week of weather is now over, we are expecting easterly winds and swells in our favor for hopefully a sprint finish into Antigua.

Day 29: Sunday, December 31st

Kicking off the day with the 11am shift was a hot one. The headwind had died down and for an hour or so there was barely any wind, just the hot sun beating down on the deck. Throughout the shift, our eyes were focused on the wind indicator at the stern of the boat. We could see our luck starting to turn - the wind was beginning to head in a more favorable direction. It should still pick up over the next few days, but it’s a start!

In the afternoon, a quick 30 min stop was made to clean the bottom of the boat. During our journey, little barnacles attach themselves to the bottom of the boat which slow us down a little. Removing them adds a bit of speed and allows the rowers to have a nice refreshing dip.

The night shift was certainly one for the memory books with perfectly calm waters and not a single cloud in the sky. When we looked up, we could see a clear sky full of stars. The conditions could not have been more serene; it was the most peaceful night of our journey so far. To bring in the New Year, we pulled out all the stops. Tinks brought glow sticks on board for the whole crew, which lit up the deck in all colors. Neil prepared an interactive trivia quiz and was the DJ for the night. Some snacks of biscuits and jelly babies were passed around. As the clock neared midnight, the six rowers on deck counted down the last 10 seconds of 2023 and let out a loud cheer. Bring on 2024! The next rowing shift were enjoying the incredible serenity of the night, when Jess thought she could hear something in the water. She asked for the music to be paused and sure enough, we could hear and see the outlines of 3 whales swimming alongside the boat. And we thought this night couldn’t get any better. A magical New Years indeed!

Reflections of New Years Eve from Jess Kavonic:

You only realise you had a moment when it becomes a memory. And for a large number of us on Roxy, that is what New Years Eve became and we will remember it forever.

It is hard to explain other than to say there were a collection of perfect moments that made everything feel so simple and pure. The ocean was the most peaceful it had been so far in our journey. This allowed us to all row in perfect harmony. The sound of one splash as all six oars hit the water. The boat glided so smoothly through the water. As night fell, the sunset was absolutely magical, lighting up the entire sky behind us in red and orange. The sky overhead then transitioned from lilac to blue. The wind picked up slightly, cooling us down after a really hot day.

As it got later and neared the New Year, the music playing on board matched our peaceful and celebratory mood. And at the height of the darkness, we heard whales breathing, closest to our oars they had ever been. The bioluminescent plankton that lit up the water around our blades and the moon that lit up the sky were also the brightest they had ever been.

Talking to everyone on board, everyone expressed immense gratitude. Gratitude for this moment. Gratitude for the journey so far. And gratitude for the little things that we appreciate in our amazing lives we live back home. Things like ham sandwiches on white bread, living in a secure city with a democracy, being able to harvest lime honey from home kept bees, coming home to a waggy tailed dog, spending time making amazing breakfasts, having that gin and tonic with friends, fruit smoothies on a sunny patio, a good book. But most importantly, so much gratitude for those we love, for those who have chosen us to be friends or partners. Happy New Year to all. May you live one wild and purposeful life.

Day 30: Monday, January 1st

The first day of 2024 and day 30 onboard! And the team worked towards a big milestone today - 1000 miles to go. The little monitor at the stern of the boat, which we all face when rowing, not only has our current speed, but also the number of miles left to go until we reach Antigua. Each shift, the rowers had their eyes pinned to the screen as we edged closer and closer to the 1000 mile mark. During the night, as one shift came to a close, the three rowers set to return to their cabins asked to continue rowing for an additional five minutes to reach the milestone. High fives and cheers were exchanged by all on deck. With the wind continuing to pick up and the miles ticking down, Antigua is starting to feel closer and closer.


Day 24: Tuesday, December 26th

For the next few days, instead of rowing with the wind, we are rowing against it. Although it’s nice that the sea is fairly flat, the boat certainly feels a lot heavier, and when you put the blade of the oar in the water, it feels like you are rowing through crunchy peanut butter (according to Trine). After working hard for a 3 hour shift and realizing that only 3 or 4 miles have been achieved, it can be a little disheartening. But John gave the team a pep talk today encouraging us to make the most of it; enjoy the flatter conditions, jam to some music on the loud speaker, and appreciate the unique conditions we are experiencing. During the night, we rowed through multiple heavy rain showers that left a “moonbow” in the sky, something that a lot of us haven’t seen before. It is crazy how buckets of rain appear in an instant, followed by serenity only five minutes later. With calm ocean and only the sound of the oars gliding through the water, surrounded by a glowing sky lit by a full moon and hundreds of stars. Definitely something that we are grateful to experience.

Day 25: Wednesday, December 27th

With being mid Atlantic, one cool fact is that we are closer to people on the International Space Station than we are to people on land. Pretty crazy to think about. At this point, life on land seems like ages ago. We are just living in the moment, one shift at a time. Although each of us miss our family and friends back home, it is pretty freeing to be disconnected from the “real world.” No emails, social media, or phone to worry about or distract us. Just focusing on the task at hand and appreciating the experience along the way. The wind today was a little less harsh than yesterday, so allowed us to keep making forward progress. At the end of day 25, we officially hit the 100th rowing shift. Each of us have now rowed 100 shifts for a total of 300 hours of rowing! Yeehaw!

Day 26: Thursday, December 28th

10 mins into Day 26, just moments after the Day 25 stats were announced, a pod of about 50 dolphins appeared! A great way to kick off the morning! The conditions are starting to turn a bit, allowing for a few more miles than the previous days. We have experienced quite a lot of rain showers this week, so during most shifts, we are in our foul weather gear. However, the rain is appreciated during the day as it helps to rinse off all of our salty clothing. During the night shifts, patches of lightening lit up the sky. They were not a concern, as the storms were further away but a pretty cool sight when we have a 360 degree horizon view. The early morning shift was a particularly tough one, with most rowers struggling to stay awake. Although, it does end up being a little amusing to watch the rowing form of certain individuals as they are on the brink of falling asleep. The good thing about ocean rowing is that a wee nap is never more than 3 hours away! ;)

Day 27: Friday, December 29th

A somewhat calm start to the day quickly turned a bit hectic as gusts of winds picked up and were striking port side. To offset the wind, we had to revert to only one side rowing for a shift in order to maintain the auto pilot. The wind was so strong at one point that my toothpaste that I spat overboard on port side surprisingly landed on Jess’ lap who was sitting on starboard side. Luckily Jess found the humour in this mishap as well. During the night shift, we experienced the most torrential downpour that any of us have ever witnessed. The rain hammered the deck, soaked the rowers, and blurred the sky with the ocean, leaving only a bit of visibility in the waves which were also clouded by the rain. It was very surreal and a bit disorientating; it looked like it was created by CGI. The rain came down so furiously that we could also feel it in the cabins. When we made it through the storm, it was unbelievable to see the huge black cloud that seemed like it could envelope the whole world. A very memorable experience indeed.


Day 18: Wednesday, December 20th

A wet and wild Wednesday! The winds are stronger today and are requiring only port side to be rowing so that the auto pilot stays active. Opposed to 3 hours of steady state rowing, each shift consists of 2 x 45 min intervals. Row hard on port side (and get absolutely soaked), rest on starboard side. Despite only 3 people rowing out of the 6 on deck, the miles are still ticking and we expect this to be a good day in terms of mileage. It is hard work on the oars and is no fun to be entering the cabin drenched, but you know what they say.. variety is the spice of life. A thrilling day as we approach the half way mark. Go team!

Day 19: Thursday, December 21st

Another day of strong winds and only one side of the boat rowing. Everyone is in their foul weather gear in preparation of getting soaked. There is a mixture of groans and laughter as members of the crew get drenched by breaking waves just moments before they are set to enter their cozy cabin. During one of the night shifts, the 6 on deck also experienced an absolute downpour. We haven’t seen that much rain during this journey so far, but on day 19, it certainly appeared in full force. Although grateful for the change in pace the last few days, the team is excited for the calmer weather that should hopefully appear in the coming days.

In another exciting moment, at least for Jess, she spotted something incredible passing by our boat….Seaweed! Wow! I think this says something about how vast and mundane the Atlantic can be that one of our crewmates got excited to see a few bits of seaweed bobbing along. ;)

Day 20: Friday, December 22nd

The big two zero; day 20 on the Atlantic! With 1395 nautical miles to go as of this morning, the halfway mark is almost upon us. It is crazy that we are already at that point. When life is lived in 3 hour increments, it tends to move along pretty quickly. Conditions today were a bit of a mixed bag, with some shifts feeling calmer than others. But one thing was constant: the waves were still out to get us. Some rowers were met with a full fist of salt water from head to toe. At one point in the evening shift, all 6 rowers on deck were given their foul weather jackets from the cabins. The rowers took turns individually putting on their jacket (to keep 5 people rowing to avoid the boat being blown around). The final 2 to put on our jackets were Trine and I. It then turned into a back-and-forth on who would put on our jacket first, each of us showing our team spirit and telling the other to go first. I eventually won this argument, and about 30 seconds later, while Trine was putting on her jacket, I was smacked by a breaking wave while my jacket sat happily next to me. A good laugh for everyone on deck.

Later in the night, we spotted the lights of not one, but two boats on the horizon. One boat was a sailing boat of a extremely chatty Frenchman who was very inquisitive regarding our expedition. Funny timing for John who was in the middle of enjoying his lovely nap at 1am before being awoken to call up the boats. The sailor had also seen two rowing boats a few days ago that are participating in the Worlds Toughest Row - Atlantic. He was heading to Trinidad. The other boat was a cargo ship heading to French Guiana. Both captains wished us well and a Merry Christmas before disappearing beyond the horizon.

Day 21: Saturday, December 23rd

A calmer Saturday welcomed more chatter on deck and finally some Christmas music! The team were getting into the Christmas spirit during the afternoon shift, as Trine blasted some classics over the boat speaker. Even the local wildlife wanted to get in on the party, as 3 whale sightings occurred during the 3 hour shift. The anticipation for Christmas is building, as everyone is also excited for their phone call back to land. Each crewmate will be calling their family over the next couple of days, which will be our only contact back to land for the whole trip. It will be great to give a quick update on our epic adventure so far and to reassure everyone that we are still sane out here.

Day 22: Sunday, December 24th

The first day of week 4! During the first shift on deck, we ran through the numbers of the row so far: 84 rowing shifts completed, 252 hours of rowing, 1460 nautical miles rowed for an average of almost 70 miles per day. The team is on a roll! It has certainly been hard-going out here and week 3 was filled with plenty of highs and lows. But the team rallies together and continues to support each other through both. The morale onboard is still high, with everyone driving towards our common goal. A few Christmas carols were sung onboard today as the holiday approached, and the time for our boat Christmas party was scheduled: 10:30 on the 25th!

Day 23: Monday, December 25th

Perfect conditions for Christmas Day mid Atlantic! The crew paused the rowing shift at 10:30am this morning - the first time the boat has stopped rowing since we kicked off this adventure. The whole team gathered on deck and put on our Christmas gear. We enjoyed some classic Christmas cake, Coca Cola, and chocolate - much appreciated treats after some strong and tiring days of rowing. It was then time for the main event - Secret Santa. Each of us bought a small gift for Christmas and they were packed away in a red Santa bag. Today, each crewmate blindly reached into the red bag and selected a gift. Among the gifts were sweets, chocolate, honey, a Churchill Nodding dog, and shark themed Christmas ornaments. We wrapped up the celebration with our own custom Roxy version of the 12 Days of Christmas song. After one more rowing shift, it was time to clean the bottom of the boat! With alternating teams, everyone used the opportunity to swim mid-Atlantic - an absolutely amazing experience. Seemingly endless blue ocean beneath us. Who knows if any other human has swam in that specific spot. After an expression of appreciation for one of the most unique Christmas’ we may ever have, it was time to get back to work! Course set for Antigua - we are off again!


Day 14: Saturday, December 16th

We are expecting some bigger weather over the next few days, so the team is ensuring the boat is clean, tidy, and organized. There will not be much opportunity to do chores or take things out of the hatches when the waves are breaching the deck, so we are getting prepared ahead of time. We removed some food from the hatches and put them in the cabins, ensured there are no loose items that could be washed away, and cleaned some of the rowing deck. Although the weather requires us to exercise additional care, it's moving in the right direction, so we expect to achieve some good mileage in the coming days. Let’s do this!

Day 15: Sunday, December 17th

It is hard to believe that week 2 is complete and we are now into week 3. Time flies when you’re having fun! At this point in our journey, we all are experiencing the aches, pains, and niggles that come along with this huge undertaking. Not surprising that our bodies are doing a bit of complaining considering we have each now rowed 56 shifts for a total of 168 hours. The biggest complaint amongst the rowers is a sore bum. Sitting on the rowing seat for 12 hours a day is not exactly luxurious and with such a repetitive activity, it literally is a pain in the ass. The team has been trading seat pads to try to mix up the pressure points and find some relief. However, it is not 100% avoidable and is unfortunately one of the bigger discomforts of ocean rowing.

On a hugely positive note, today at 2pm, Trine hosted our first boat meeting. Right after one of the afternoon shift changes, the rowers, and the rest of the crew that awoke from their naps, listened in to Trine who was standing outside the stern cabin. She had a surprise for us! Nicola had collected words of encouragement from each of our families. Thank you Nicola! Each message was read aloud and it was awesome to hear the love and support from our families and friends back at home. It was hugely appreciated by the crew and a great boost as we enter our 3rd week!

Later in the night, as the boys cabin, John, Eddie, and Keith, were all snuggled in for their 2 hour nap between rowing shifts, they were awakened by one of their fishy friends. A flying fish had managed to jump through the cabin hatch, which was only cracked open a couple inches, and land in the foot well right next to Keith’s face. It flapped around until Eddie came to the rescue and returned it to its rightful home. Not exactly a welcomed visitor in an already cramped cabin!

Day 16: Monday, December 18th

As the sun was setting and the evening shift was coming to a close, Clarissa spotted something we had not seen in a while - another boat! A sailing boat was on the horizon and it was heading in our direction. A quick call on the VHF revealed that the captain of the sailing boat was on its way towards us, as he thought we were in need of assistance due to the fact that we were traveling at 3 knots with no mast. However, John reassured him that we were in fact a rowing vessel and no assistance was necessary. He was glad to hear we were all safe, although surprised at why a group of people would be rowing across the Atlantic!

Day 17: Tuesday, December 19th

Guest Blogger: Pete Godbehere - Rhythm of an ocean rower

The boat has its rhythm’s of shifts and people.

First of all, we row -

Every morning the rising sun brings a palpable lift in mood. Tired crew on the oars chirp into life. The verbose chatter; the quiet smile and listen.

Out comes the music.

And we row.

The night shift finally hunker down for a rest after eating dried meals and “treats” to be replaced by new workers.

And we row.

Every 1.5 hours the rhythm of the shift changes bring fresh workers to the oars.

Tiring workers swap sides to rest their aching left arms and the others return to their cabins for food and sleep.

And we row.

The mid day shift brings searing heat and burning sun. Exposed to all the elements, limbs tire and energy is drained.

And we row.

Again the cooler evening brings a lift. Verbal quizzes and exchanging stories. No matter what and when, humour is never far away. Laughs a plenty, especially now.

And we row.

The dark of night descends and everything changes.

Lit only by navigation lights, waves crash in with only a seconds warning. The water is wild now.

Neptune's hand repays the crew for a good deed or a slight slip. A pinch of water over only 1 is met with laughter by the others.

A fist of water across the side takes out 3 rowers.

The virtuous enjoy a brief relief before Neptune reminds them too to respect the sea and fellow seamen.

And we row.

The rhythm goes on.

Eat, sleep, row.


In between there is laughter and camaraderie. Tears and joy. Dips and highs.

And we row.

All with one goal.

Worry not, loved ones, we will be with you soon.

We know this because no matter what, we row for you.


Day 11: Wednesday, December 13th

The winds started to pick up a bit today, a welcome breeze for the hot conditions (that are only getting hotter as we work towards the Caribbean). In the midst of a midday rowing shift packed with some Elton John jams on the speaker, the boat started to turn to port…and it just kept turning. Essentially, we were doing donuts mid-Atlantic. Although a bit funny for a few seconds, it was to time to spring into action. Trine jumped up to manually steer the rudder while Keith jumped into 2-seat to take her place. The issue appeared to be with the fulcrum pin in the auto pilot ram, causing it to take us for a wee spin. John grabbed the spare and swiftly installed it. He called out for starboard rowers to row hard and port rowers to hold water, allowing us to get back on course. Another example of well executed teamwork on board Roxy. Teamwork makes the dream work!

During the night shifts, we have been lucky to see plenty of shooting stars, but on day 11, a large flash lit up the sky, which the crew believes was a meteor. A very cool sight and a welcomed distraction from the tiring night shift.

Day 12: Thursday, December 14th

It has been quite a few days since we've seen any wildlife, besides the notorious flying fish. As the afternoon shift was starting to come to a close, Jess and Tinks were noticing streaks of color in the water. A wave then passed by the boat and in the face of the wave, a whale could be seen! Initially it was thought to be a dolphin because of the small dorsal fin. But as soon as it was apparent that it was in fact a whale, Eddie yelled “WHALE”, and all crew jumped on deck to take a look. It was about 5 meters in length and dark blue & white. As it passed a second time, it rolled belly up and was looking right up at the boat. What a sight!

Less than an hour later, Chris saw another shadow in the water swimming very close to the surface beside the boat. This time, it was a sunfish. Trine grabbed her GoPro and filmed the amazing fish gracefully swimming alongside us. Certainly an exciting afternoon!

Day 13: Friday, December 15th

Since the start of our journey, there has been a bit of friendly competition on deck. This has come in the form of a tanning contest between Tinks and Trine. After 13 days of competition, bets are starting to be placed on who is going to step off of Roxy with the best tan. The midday rowing shift is the prime space for the tanning and trash talking between these two fierce competitors. Stay tuned for the final results in Antigua.

Meanwhile, two of the judges, Jess and I (Alex) (the two that sit directly behind Tinks and Trine) are in a contest of our own…who can shelter ourselves most from the sun.


Day 8: Sunday, December 10th

After a few fast days, the conditions settled today, allowing for a bit more relaxing rowing. It enabled the crew to spend some more time on deck during their off shifts and also took a bit of the edge off of the night shifts. When the waves are hitting the deck, the cabin doors need to remain shut, which turns the sleeping quarters into what feels like a sauna. With the calmer weather, the crew welcomed a bit of time with the hatches open to air out the cabins and provide a bit more comfort when resting.

Thoughts on the first week from our Skipper, John:

The crew has come together wonderfully. Everyone’s routines have come together well and the boat is a well oiled machine. The training in Tenerife has definitely paid off. Shift changes are being executed safely and the team constantly looks out for each other with buddy checks. We had some gnarly weather but the crew pulled together and has gelled extremely well as a team.

Day 9: Monday, December 11th

Monday welcomed the crew with some problem solving. The water tanks appeared to be filling slower than usual. A quick check of the water maker revealed that one of the pipes had uncoupled and had filled some of the hatch with water. However, no problem for Skipper John who saved the day and fixed the water maker in no time. In order to access the problem pipe, he managed to get in a good session of boat yoga in the midday heat.

Quote of the day from our Co-Skipper, Trine:

There will be good shifts and bad shifts, but the bad shifts will always end. Take one stroke and one day at a time, and we will be fine.

Day 10: Tuesday, December 12th

Guest Blogger: Jess Kavonic

And just like that it is Day 10… The blisters on our fingers have turned to calluses. We have figured out what food packets we like best / how much water to add and found our little routines that make us feel happier and this seem more possible….

As I reflect on the last few days, so many thoughts and emotions come to mind. We have been so incredibly lucky with the weather which has definitely made everything feel easier but it is still hard. Hard as our bodies are still in a bit of shock as we adjust to 12 hours of rowing. Hard as we settle into less than 3 hours of sleep per shift. The night shifts are the hardest. Often there are long periods of silence as we row and we may find ourselves nearly falling asleep on the oars. The patterns out here have sometimes just felt overwhelmingly relentless. Although we only had a few days of rougher weather, we were constantly wet for these 3 days as waves crashed over the sides of the boat. The cabins don’t really allow you to get that dry when you are sleeping. I found the shift changes in these conditions difficult, as for a few minutes while changing, the balance of the boat is off and it felt like I would fall overboard. Of course not at all possible as we are securely clipped in and the boat is incredible in dealing with these conditions. But still scary to me.

But these harder moments are outweighed by so many moments of joy, happiness, and wonder. Getting clean or eating that warm meal after a session. The sunrises and sunsets. The stars that seem to light up the entire sky. The moon’s light over the sea. The pure simplicity of life out here. The joy I feel when a storm petrel appears and glides so elegantly over the water, coming to say hello on its path onwards. Learning about each other and so many moments of laughter. And finding stillness within as life’s constant demands ebb away.


Day 1: Sunday, December 3rd

We met on the dock around 10am on Sunday morning, with families and friends gathered to say final goodbyes. We were all a bit tearful, but equally excited to finally step onto Roxy, our home for the next 6 weeks. The paparazzi was out in full force for all of our departure photographs! ;) John had prepared a Toast to Neptune which was a great way to kick off our departure. The bottle of rum used will also be waiting for us in Antigua. Charlie then gave us some final words of encouragement before we stepped off of dry land for the last time before we arrive in Antigua in January. Great weather and seas have greeted us for the beginning of this adventure. As of this writing, the crew is feeling really good and most have avoided any seasickness. Spirits are high! During the evening shift, we were passed by a cruise ship who is also crossing the Atlantic. Since they were not visible on the AIS, John gave them a ring on the VHF to ensure they were aware of our position. There was no concern, as they were heading west whereas we are heading a bit more south. With the first night shift complete, we are settling in well to our new routines.

Day 2: Monday, December 4th

Monday kicked off with a little celebration of Keith’s birthday! He enjoyed a chorus of “Happy Birthday” from the rest of the crew, as well as a small chocolate cake with two little boats on top (a replacement for candles that are a bit of a fire hazard). During the night shift, we enjoyed quizzing each other with some riddles and hypothetical questions. For example, “what are there more of in the world, eyes or legs?” Certainly makes the “graveyard shifts” go a bit quicker. The seas continue to be in our favor, with some light wind and currents in the right direction. It allows us to row efficiently and also gives us time to gain our “sea legs” in slightly easier conditions. After 2 days, we have crossed the 155 nautical mile mark. The team is all pleased with our progress so far.

Day 3: Tuesday, December 5th

What a way to welcome us into day 3 of our row - dolphins! Just as our co-skipper, Trine, was about to announce our mileage for the previous day, about 50 dolphins surrounded the boat. Crewmates that were in the cabins jumped out on deck and grabbed their cameras to try to capture the moment. The dolphins hung around the boat for about 15 mins or so, before continuing on their merry way. Day 3 was also the first laundry day, as a few members of the crew decided to take advantage of the calm weather. And another “highlight” was the bioluminescent plankton that lit up the seas during the night shifts. Not only did our oars sparkle as they hit the water, but the waves beyond the boat were also glistening as we passed by, creating a wee light show.

Day 4: Wednesday, December 6th

After a few days of heading south for the most ideal conditions, we made the turn to start heading more west towards Antigua. There is now a bit more wind and higher waves, so the team is exercising some additional focus. Fortunately the wind is in the right direction so we are also enjoying surfing the waves for some additional watts. As the fourth day came to a close, Neil spotted a cargo ship on the horizon. Over the VHF, the captain indicated that they were traveling from Brazil to Italy and joked that they were moving “a bit faster than 2.5 knots”. After wishing us well and a happy Christmas, he diverted course to take a look at our comparatively tiny boat rowing the Atlantic. As day 4 concluded, we celebrated another strong day with over 75 nautical miles achieved!

Day 5: Thursday, December 7th

The last 24 hours have certainly been a bit more representative of ocean rowing compared to our first few days. Particularly the night shifts have required more attentiveness and concentration as we cannot see which direction the waves are coming from. Rowers on both port and starboard side experienced some spontaneous showers from the waves. The unfortunate individuals in 2-seat seemed to have been the prime target last night. However, the team has risen to the challenge and is pushing hard for every additional mile. Despite the conditions, we have maintained full strokes and are continuing to row as efficiently as possible to maximize mileage.

Day 6: Friday, December 8th

We are flying! It was exciting to hear our mileage for day 6; a new day record for us - 83 nautical miles! The conditions on Friday certainly had a positive impact on our mileage, but it also lead to slightly less comfortable rowing during the night and required heightened awareness during shift changes. Most of the crew made use of their salopettes for the first time due to the waves showering Roxy and her rowers. Cabin life during these conditions is a bit like pinball, bumping from side to side into your cabinmate with each of the larger waves. As we are approaching the one week mark, during one of our shifts, a few of us reflected on the start of our row so far and how it compared to what we expected. The overall sentiment was fairly similar among us. We are grateful for such a positive start; the weather has been in our favor, we have settled well into our routines, and we have enjoyed plenty of laughter on board. Everyone seems ready for what the ocean may throw at us in weeks to come.

Day 7: Saturday, December 9th

Week 1 wrapped up with an entertaining night shift. One of the things you look forward to when rowing an ocean is seeing some of the wildlife. And a couple of our teammates got up close and personal with one of the Atlantic’s finest.. the flying fish. The team was rowing along as per usual when all of a sudden, a scream pierced the rowing deck. We all looked over and saw Trine jump off her seat as a flying fish had hit her leg and was flapping around at her feet. Unfortunately, dealing with flying fish was not in the co-skipper handbook! Tinks jumped to the rescue and helped the little guy return to the water. The drama was over.. or so we thought. 30 mins later, Trine was met with another flying fish and Keith was hit by 2 more on the next shift. The Roxy ‘23-‘24 crew is obviously having such a great crossing so far that the flying fish want to join in on all of the fun. With the first week in the bag, spirits are still high and we are looking forward to week 2.

Roxy Departure - 1108 UTC, Sunday 3rd December 2023

Emotions were running high on the pontoon with a great crowd of families, friends and supporters watching as the crew packed their final provisions onto the boat, toasted Neptune with a bottle of rum, received a few words of wisdom from Charlie, had a final group hug and then took up their positions on Roxy for their departure.

L to R: Tinks, Clarissa, Emily, Jess, Alex, Trine
L to R: Neil, Eddie, Pete, Chris, Keith, John
I call upon the boss the most respected god of the sea.
Dearest Neptune. We ask of you for safe passage of this vessel Roxy. Her captain and her crew. For we know too well no man truly conquers an ocean it’s only if you decide to let us through. It’s only with your permission we’ll set off content today. Please show us your benevolence and see us safely on our way. We truly love your ocean and will treat her with full respect. and we’ll step ashore in distant land safely guided by your hand. To the north wind the south wind the east-wind and the west.
Here’s to Tall Ships,
Here’s to Small Ships,
Here’s to all the Ships at Sea.
But the best Ships are Friendships,
And May They Always Be!
Dearest Neptune. We ask of you for safe passage of this vessel Roxy. Her captain and her crew.

We wish John, Trine, Alex, Neil, Clarissa, Chris, Jess, Keith, Emily, Pete, Tinks and Eddie all the best for a safe crossing.

Training Week - Tenerife, 27 November - 1 December 2023

The time has finally come!

After months of anticipation, our Roxy ‘23-‘24 crew has reunited in Tenerife in the Canary Islands. We kicked off the week on Sunday evening with a nice dinner with the crew, Rannoch team, and family members. We also met our two newest crewmates in person for the first time, John and Keith, who immediately gelled with the rest of the team. Our full crew of 12 was now raring to go for our final week of training before setting off into the Atlantic Ocean.

Back row L to R: Eddie, Trine, Tinks, Neil, John, Emily, Clarissa
Middle row L to R: Chris, Pete, Jess
Front row L to R: Alex, Keith

The first full day of training involved unpacking and repacking the boat, an important task to ensure that we know where everything is stored - food, supplies, safety gear, etc. Packing the boat is a bit like Tetris, as the boat is filled with enough food and supplies to support 12 people for 40ish days! After confirming we had and were aware of the location of all of the essentials, we set off on an afternoon row. Despite it being the first time all 12 of us had rowed together, we immediately settled into a good rhythm and enjoyed a solid rowing session in the pleasant Tenerife weather. We concluded the day with some refreshments and a team debrief.

Tuesday morning welcomed us with beautiful weather for a row! The 3 hour session consisted of strong rowing, practice of our shift changes, and plenty of good banter. We were also evaluating the comfort of our seat pads, and most decided that the sheep skin pad was the clear winner. We certainly will be crossing the Atlantic in style. A few crew members enjoyed a quick refreshing dip before we headed back to the marina. After our team lunch, we returned to the hotel for a navigation and chart plotting session with Dawn, an ocean rowing legend who has completed 4 crossings, including 2 skippering Roxy. We discussed the impacts of winds, currents, and waves on our row and learned how to manually plot our course, which is a useful skill to possess in the event we could not use our electronics. And although unlikely considering the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, we also covered how to avoid collisions with other vessels.

Wednesday kicked off with another morning row, this time with a few man overboard drills. One of the focus areas was practicing the most efficient way to pull an individual out of the water. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, Pete and Neil, who were “rescued” about 6 times each. We also reviewed how to mark a man overboard on the chart plotter. In the afternoon, we regrouped with Dawn for some first aid training where we covered common injuries at sea and how to treat them, the equipment in our onboard medical kit and how to use it, and how to check for any serious medical issues. We later gathered as a team that evening to discuss our thoughts so far and any nerves as we approach our departure date. And of course, there were also plenty of laughs.

Our 4th day of training was focused on sea survival. We met with Dawn in the morning for some classroom training where we discussed situations that have occurred at sea and how we can best be prepared or avoid them all-together. We headed to the marina in the afternoon where we reviewed the emergency supplies we have on board and in the liferaft, such as flares, EPIRBs, PLBs, etc. It was then time to put on our lifejackets and deploy the liferaft, before jumping into the cool and refreshing Tenerife water. We practiced entering the liferaft unassisted, as well as with the help of two crewmates. After we were all comfortable with how to deploy, flip, and enter the liferaft, it was time for some friendly competition. We split up into two teams - gals vs guys and participated in a timed race. Each team had to collectively swim to the liferaft, get all team members in, and then call out the procedure. It was a close race with the guys edging out the win by a mere 2 seconds.

Our final day of training on Friday was a great opportunity to fine tune our rowing, shift changes, and emergency procedures on the water. We headed out for a few hours in slightly rougher weather than we had experienced earlier in the week. This was perfect for us to get a better feel for more realistic conditions out in the Atlantic. Our skippers threw in a few surprise man overboard and fire drills to sharpen our response procedures. After we all felt comfortable on how to handle these unlikely situations, we headed back to the marina where we finished organizing the cabins with our food and personal belongings. John demonstrated the steps to deploying the parachute anchor, as well some knot tying essentials.

A final team meeting involved a big group hug and a continued expression of gratitude for our amazing team and a bond that is already very much apparent. This week has certainly been very informative and has also been filled with a lot of laughs. We are now ready to get this adventure started! Bring on Sunday!

Photo credits: Rannoch Adventure, Roxy Crew, Patrick Sikes Photography

Training Week - Oban, Scotland, August 2023

We were so excited to finally meet our Roxy Atlantic 2023-24 crew in person for the first time. Their training location was Oban - a week of team bonding and rowing training under the guidance of the skipper Lasse Hansen and co skipper Trine Hansen.

The first day comprised a comprehensive briefing followed by a short familiarisation row to get everyone comfortable with the boat, before longer, overnight rows this week. Great to see so many smiles on faces!

After a cosy first night in the Roxy yurt, our Atlantic crew set off for a long day row in strong headwinds up the Sound of Mull. They coped well with the tough conditions and saw plenty of dolphins and seals amidst rain showers interspersed with sunny spells.

On Wednesday they headed off on a 28 hour overnight row right up to the most northerly point of Mull. The weather was superb and rowing conditions ideal all day long.

As they passed the colourful town of Tobermory in the late afternoon, the team were led by Alex in a loud rendition of "What's the story in Balamory ..." evoking fond childhood memories of the famous TV show.

The overnight element of this row was particularly special. The blue moon appeared and lit up the skies - simply stunning.

On Thursday, the crew rowed back down the Sound of Mull and skipper Lasse rewarded them with a stop off at Oban Marina for fish and chips on the pontoon. Smiles all round!

A final short row back to Dunstaffnage Marina and everyone disembarked ready for a hot shower. Lasse and Eddie dived off the pontoon for a refreshing dip before a good night's sleep for all.

After a final night in the yurt, chatting about their physical and mental approaches to their Atlantic crossing, the crew jumped onboard for their final Scottish outing in Roxy. Man overboard drills were practised and rowing technique was a strong focus for the session. Conditions on the water were utterly perfectly for their last training day.

After a final debrief from skipper Lasse, a hugely positive team said fond farewells to each other. We're thoroughly looking forward to seeing you all in Tenerife in just 3 months time.

On board Roxy for the first time
See you all in Tenerife!
Back row L to R - Alex, Clarissa, Chris, Pete, Chris (stand in for the training week)
Front row L to R - Lasse, Neil, Trine, Emily, Tinks, Jess, Eddie