September 21, 2023

Bangor to Bangor 2023

Let's go! A Day of Two Halves

Our Bangor (N. Wales) to Bangor (N. Ireland) Roxy crew set off this morning. They enjoyed a great row up the Menai Straits, under the Britannia and Menai Suspension Bridges and past Bangor and then a much more challenging row along the east coast of Anglesey in gusting winds and waves abeam. The conditions were tricky but the crew rallied and put in a great rowing effort along this stunning coastline.

Due to stronger winds forecast, the crew stopped overnight in the port of Amlwch until a weather window opens for their Irish Sea crossing.

A huge well done to all the crew for successfully battling the elements yesterday - no mean feat.

Leaving Victoria Dock in Caernarfon
Roxy in the Menai Straits
Superb timing on the oars - photo taken from the Menai Suspension Bridge
The east coast of Anglesey
Roxy berthed in Amlwch next to the big boats

Medical concerns curtail expedition

Shortly after leaving the port of Amlwch last night, the determined Bangor to Bangor crew were treated to a display of shooting stars and they made great progress away from the Welsh Coast.

Leaving Amlwch

While spirits were high at the outset, a few hours into the row and the expedition was cut short to prioritise the medical concerns of two crew members, one of whom had fallen overboard. She was securely tethered to the boat and was safely pulled back onto the deck within a few minutes. The Coastguard was informed, and after a verbal assessment, the Holyhead RNLI were sent to provide medical care.

The teamwork and care this crew showed for one another was exemplary. Wishing Annie, Isobel, Jason, Lou, Sarah, Siaan, Leann, Kerrylee, Jeanne and Marie all the best.

Special thanks to the RNLI and the Coastguard for their prompt response to the situation and to everyone at Amlwch Port, especially the cafe staff and Harbour Master, for their unwavering support. Holyhead RNLI coxswain Tony Price praised the actions of the rowing crew, saying:

‘The two professional rowers on board need commending for being steady throughout the incident, and for calling for help when they did. The vessel was in excellent condition, and the rowers were all experienced, but the conditions of the Irish Sea today were overwhelming.’

The full story as reported by the RNLI can be found here.