September 21, 2023

Bangor to Oban 2023

Our Roxy Bangor to Oban crew were blessed with fantastic weather from the outset and enjoyed 3 days of near perfect rowing conditions.

As they left Bangor, they hugged the Northern Irish coast before heading across the North Channel towards the Mull of Kintyre (and of course they sang as they rowed).

Late on the second day they enjoyed a four hour rest on a mooring at Crinan to wait for favourable tides before heading into the Sound of Luing. At 9am, after a final row up the Sound of Kerrera, they arrived into Dunstaffnage Marina in Oban with big smiles on their faces.

Highlights of the trip include stunning scenery, numerous shooting stars, bioluminescence on the oars, calm water, dolphins, laughing and singing on the deck and great camaraderie amongst the crew.

A big well done and thank you to each and every crew member - Vik, Jane, Alex, Duncan, Jason, Mark, Chris K, Nikolaj, Chris L, Peter, skipper Nini and co skipper Chris.

Preparing to leave Bangor
And they're off ...

Waiting for the tide to turn at Crinan
Roxy coming up the east coast of Kerrera towards Oban on their final morning
Passing Kerrera Marina opposite Oban
Arriving into Dunstaffnage Marina, Oban
Back row L to R - Nikolaj, Chris L, Chris K, Alex, Mark, Jane, Peter, Jason, Vik, Duncan
Front row - Skippers Chris & Nini
"Still pinching myself that the last 3 days actually happened - what an awesome experience, I absolutely loved it!" Jane
"Thank you all, it was a blast. So many special memories with a special set of people." Duncan
"The team, the organisation, Chris and Nini. Scenery, laughter, singing… what an experience!" Alex